Ever seen the same numbers and sequence pop up in your life, but you’re not sure what they mean? Or are you perhaps looking for a sign from your guides but don’t know where to start?
In this episode, Anita invites Larissa (@GoddessGiving) to take a deep dive into the world of Angel Numbers, what they are, what they mean, and what to do when we see them. Find out how to look out for the signs from your angel guides and start tapping into their power to align yourself and manifest your dreams!
“I realized if I stay small for the fear and judgment of others, I will never know how great I could have been. I will never know who I can help.”
“You do not need to search for your soul's purpose. Your purpose will find you when you're living in your truth and you're living spiritually aligned. Your soul’s purpose has always been with you.”
Larissa (@GoddessGiving)
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0:00[Music]0:08hmm [Music]0:22hi friends welcome back to the manifesting money podcast i am super happy and grateful that you guys who0:28done today because today is going to change your perspective on life forever yup yup we're talking all about angel0:35numbers and i gotta bring on the expert for this very topic for you guys so before we get into the episode i just0:41want to thank you guys for tuning in again all of my loyal listeners welcome back all my new listeners hello welcome0:47i want to remind you guys that this episode is going to be on youtube so if you're not already subscribed to our youtube make sure that you do so and if0:54you've been tuning in and you really really love the podcast it's helping you then please please help us and leave a1:00review and this just helps us get this podcast out to as many people as we possibly can some exciting news is that1:07we just dropped our very first free guided money meditation those of you who1:13are new and you don't know anything what i'm talking about right now i just want to remind you that i'm a money mindset1:19coach i teach people about law of attraction manifestation how it applies to attracting more money into your life1:25and one of my favorite ways that i helped reprogram my subconscious mind to attract more money k.a believed that1:30money could flow to me whether i was physically working or not was through guided meditations and i really love1:36guided meditations because they kind of walk you through the process 31 days of abundance i really explained the difference between the two of just1:42sitting with your thoughts opposed to a guided visualization but this is again a really really good way to help reprogram1:49your subconscious mind and walk you through the process of believing that money can flow to you while you're1:54physically working or not that's gonna be in the show notes for you guys if you haven't already checked it out make sure2:00you do so a lot of people are adding it to their morning routines their night routines i'm adding it to the three day2:05manifesting money workshop and it's just been blowing up on tick tock so i'm like really excited that people are doing this work and i'm like ah2:12so i'm going to read some testimonies just from the past couple weeks and then we can get into our speaker and our topic today this first one is from paz2:20so past that i took the three-day program and wow this is my third day and i feel like a new person a lot of money2:26came to me into my life some people gave me my money back some people paid for my bus ticket my sister invited me to2:33dinner i received a very good tip on my job the most amazing thing that i've learned in this program is that i was2:38blocking my manifestations when i was a child my dad said there's a lot of expenses this created something in my2:44subconscious mind believing that i didn't have enough money and i have to keep the money in my wallet not2:50investing for a few months i would not use the word spend instead i would use the word invest and contribute changed2:56my life a lot the last thing is that my english is a regular level and i have no idea how i understood the whole workshop3:03it was like magic that only for this program that i learned english thank you very much for this beautiful experience3:08anita you are awesome guys now i have the next testimony from haley which is my friend from tiktok so she actually3:15made a video about how she manifested two thousand dollars and uh we kind of went viral a little bit together and3:20then she ended up joining the 31 days of abundance and this is her testimony so far i am blown away i started your 31 days3:27of abundance course two days ago in the night i bought it my husband and i did the guided meditation that you put in3:34there and the next day we got approved for a 200 000 loan for a home what this3:40is so good then the next day we were trying to find out how our down payment and how we would pay if we had zero3:47saved and my goal was to manifest ten thousand dollars in your 31 days of abundance course and i found out that my3:53husband had ten thousand dollars on the 401k that his old job had that he had3:58this old job and he didn't know about it i'm literally reading this for the first time guys and he didn't know about it4:05and could take all of it out and drawn to deposit and home with no penalty i found out that my tribe is giving me4:11three thousand dollars for a closing cost and this is all in just two days of your program i am in shock literally4:18speechless and i'm so grateful for you last week we didn't even know that house was possible for us in the next year and4:24now we're getting ready to go looking this week in person4:29so excited oh my gosh i just have so many testimonies that i feel like i need to do a whole podcast episode with like4:35testimonies alone i think that's been coming to the surface for me a lot is a patreon so i haven't really like i know4:42i have been aligned with it but i haven't been aligned with it i've just been hearing about it from a lot of other podcasts and i'm thinking about4:48some bonuses that i can do maybe if i do some episodes that are just strictly um4:54solo episodes with testimonies and things like that so that you guys can hear those but i don't know i just keep5:01coming to the surface i'm just trying to find a different way that i can share all these stories because i'm telling5:06you guys my dms are like this every single day and i think it's really important5:11for you guys to build your belief in other people and their stories and how things happen for them because one it's5:16a sign that that is possible for you too and a lot of times when i would resonate with people's stories and i thought that5:22was specifically so cool of how the money manifested for them that's actually how it manifested for me so if5:28you guys are getting excited about alone or you're getting excited about all these things right just really pay5:34attention what gives you chills and what makes you excited because again it's resonating with you more than other5:39people for a reason last thing that i want to let you guys know and everybody in my energy that i've had this download5:45and now i'm telling the team is that the 31 days of abundance prices going up so i'm like telling all my people in my5:51energy who are like right now because one i'm adding way more value to it um5:57so i've been actually playing around with all the modules and incorporating other people who are also coaches and6:02mentors so one of my favorite things to incorporate with my coaching and my uh programs is hypnosis and i've been6:08partnering with people through tick tock i've been partnering with other coaches i've been getting all the their material6:14that they're letting me put in my program and so now the price is going up so i want to let you guys know now and6:20so the price is actually going to go up after november 15th so right now the 31 days6:28of abundance 31 day program help you reprogram your subconscious mind is 333. and we've been doing a payment plan6:35for that which has actually been really really effective but it's actually going to go up to 888. you guys know i love my6:40angel numbers we'll have a payment plan available for that too so it'll be 222 for four months but again i'm telling6:47you guys now because one we can still honor this payment plan for the 333 if you join before november 15th and the6:54reason why i'm saying before that date is because that's when we have a group call so every single person who's in6:59this program we have a thread we have all the material but we also get a group call every single month and you'd have7:04to join before that specific date in order to get that specific rate alrighty i believe that's all of the7:11announcements and today i get to bring on the beautiful speaker larissa who7:16came on from tick tock larissa specifically came on to my high level group coaching program to teach on angel7:23numbers and really connecting with your guides look i can sit here and give you all the strategy and structure of how to run a business but if you are not in7:29alignment and you are not really following your intuition and you're not paying attention to the signs that are all around you gonna give up right and7:37so even if the money isn't manifesting you're doing the work and all this different stuff really really you guys7:43have to look within and that's why i love love love that i got to bring larissa on as a speaker because she's an7:48expert in this topic and you guys can just see how powerful this call was i would also7:54like to thank my clients for allowing me to share this on the podcast because again them doing this work and them8:01investing in themselves and them asking the questions and being vulnerable is actually what's helping the people the8:07most so without further ado here's the episode so larissa is our guest speaker8:13today she is our beautiful soul from tick tock and to be honest i just want to give larissa the floor8:19um about the topic that we've been pretty much just talking about over the past like couple minutes of8:24just connecting with source connecting with your guides um you guys know that we're really big on angel numbers one8:31one one two two two three four four and today i brought on the queen of this specific topic so um larissa whenever8:39you're ready i'm just gonna uh have you unmute and we can just honestly i feel like the best way that might be easiest8:45for you guys is maybe a q a but what do you think versa so can you hear me8:51yeah okay hi everybody i'm sorry that i'm not available on video8:56i've actually been dealing with the worst sinus infection um and i9:03really if you saw me you'd be like oh my gosh this girl needs to be like i don't know hospitalized i feel like terrible9:11but maybe i'll try to get on in a little bit and just freshen up but first of all i just want to say thank you for having9:17on um i love the fact that we were connected by tech talk and i think9:22what's interesting is that in any type of community whether it be on social media or in real life our9:30guides our angels are constantly connecting us to the right people9:37so a billion users anita's guy9:46example living synchronistic life living um an inspired life an angel-led life i9:52am happy to answer any questions you guys have about connecting to your guide or igniting your intuition or numerology10:00or even just telling you a little bit about how this all came to be for me and how i whatever you want anita i'm here10:06for you when you're yay okay so i know that we see angel10:12members a lot but um honestly i think a quick rundown10:19of what angel numbers are right what does it mean when you start seeing them on a10:25consistent basis i know when i first started the shift i started seeing them like every now and then but when i really10:31really stepped in the highest power it was like holy crap this is the new norm so could you just give a rundown of like10:37what the angel numbers are what they mean and what does it mean when you keep seeing like the specific same number all10:42the time you got it so whenever we're working with divine it's a higher frequency and10:49um whether you call it god source angels divinity universe goddess god whatever10:55your term is you are raising your vibration and you're tapping into a higher frequency11:02our team of light our spiritual partners they cannot really kind of come down to11:07our frequency we have to rise to theirs11:15you teach and you do such a great job of teaching the money frequency well this11:20is kind of like i'm going to be teaching you how to tap into your angel frequency and spirit is trying to communicate with11:27us through signs symbols messages synchronicities and moments of11:33um enlightenment where you feel and sense things so a number is a representing of11:40that moment a lot of times these number patterns and repetitive numbers um11:45obviously the common ones like 11 and 11 2 2 2 12 12 you know five five five anything11:52in triples or doubles has significance however if there's a number you're11:57connected to and it really doesn't fit the angel number i guess you know what you see12:03everybody else talking about it's still an angel number people will see their birthdays a lot of12:10people will see a random sequence if it makes you feel a certain way if it makes you feel connected to the vine it is12:17your language so when you see these numbers the numbers do hold meaning and we can dive12:24into the meaning and secret language of numbers but i want to give you a bigger12:30concept that you can take away today any time you see those numbers you have12:35risen you have elevated to the higher frequency and in that moment12:41you and your angels are on the same frequency and for me i think that there's so much12:48power in that there's so much beauty in that knowing that my departed loved ones12:53my team of light my angel guides are literally in that moment showing me that12:59they're there that they're standing by my side that i'm not walking this path alone13:05and that they're asking to be a part of it it's like it's like a doorway that they're opening13:12up and they're saying come on let me in so when you see these numbers there are13:17three things i want you to do i want you to one offer like a space of13:22sacred um energy where you acknowledge that this is a sacred moment13:28and you kind of just hold space because when you're seeing it it's a message of love angels can only13:35be love and light so if you're seeing their language you are seeing a message of love support and13:42guidance so just kind of honor that and make it a sacred space where you're like thank you offer thanks offer gratitude13:50the second thing i want you to do is i want you to give or surrender a problem13:55of fear or some type of anxiety that you're holding on to i want you to surrender it to them so for example14:03let's say let's let's use what anita does right let's say you're having an issue with your finances or you're14:08worried about your next payment of how you're going to pay your rent or something give it to your team give it14:16to them please take this worry this fear and show me the next step i want you to ask your14:23angels which would be the third step what is the next right step for your14:28path of alignment so ask them to show you and lead you and then14:34tell them that you're open to the signs okay if you want to go a little further does14:39that make sense anita does that does that answer a lot of your community's questions do you feel like that answered14:44your question okay to me makes perfect perfect sense i i just put14:50validation from everybody else because i'm like oh this is so perfect i love how you give the step-by-step process to14:56but so everybody else is this is this a lenny15:04okay we got a thumbs up can you hear me anita i think i lost your second oh yep i can hear you15:09okay so as i'm talking i am seeing 444 in front of me now15:14um 444 is a angel number from me and whenever i'm in a place of15:23kind of like what do i want to do in my business or where am i going like you know what's the next step kind15:30of like should i create a course and as a matter of fact i was journaling today um if i should be creating a15:36course on teaching people the power of numbers and how to use numerology in their life15:43and their business and um this is the third time i've seen 444 today15:49and 444 is a foundational number in numerology it means that you are15:54building the foundation to your legacy and it's going to take work16:00but it's asking you to get laser focused on what you need to do and create16:07something that is stable so other people can learn from so okay you say well what16:12does that mean i've been journaling should i create this course and then i see 444 and the16:18number four a couple times three times today so these are moments where my intentions16:25my thoughts are being answered by a number okay i have free will i still have the16:31choice to do it right it's up to me but my angels are showing me through the numbers that this is a supported path16:39and that they're promoting it that it is going to be a good thing and that it's going to bring more love into the world16:45and i'm going to have a lot of fun and i'm going to love doing it and they're telling me to get my butt into gear and16:51stop living in fear and do the damn work already so16:56you know that's a perfect example when you start to see these numbers and you're like okay am i crazy17:03like is it me is the rest of the world seeing this and i want to tell you um the rest of the world is not but when17:10you start to see numbers everywhere you are actually going through a soul17:15alignment a soul shift a spiritual awakening and a lot of people think spiritual awakening is this awesome17:21place to be and that you do it once and you're okay um it's actually the opposite a17:27spiritual awakening is the most difficult thing you'll ever do in your life and it will happen multiple times17:33throughout your life because we are always spiritually evolving so think of17:38it like this you are awakening to the new you and then you're gonna have time to17:44process that and become the new you and start to live life in this new way and then guess what you're gonna awaken17:51again and then you're gonna awaken again and a lot of times you'll see these numbers over and over and over again and17:57then all of a sudden you'll stop seeing them and you'll go oh my goodness did i lose the magic like18:03do my spiritual team not like me no it's that it no longer needs to push you18:09it no you no longer needed the validation you no longer needed that18:15confirmation you were good and then you start to question things again and guess what18:20those numbers start coming back right so this is not something that18:26you need to see all the time but when you do see it i want you to ask yourself18:31three things am i living my truth am i living in alignment18:38and i'm i enjoying myself because if you're not then it's also18:44asking you to shift gears that you are out of alignment so it's not that it's trying to warn you that something18:50negative is coming or something positive it's saying we've got to get you into18:55alignment does this make sense yeah19:01i need i can't hear you oh yeah yeah so good i'm like just bobbing my head over here i'm like yes so good i got chills19:08when you said that they the numbers stopped because you don't need push anymore and that19:14makes so much sense this is one of my favorite topics ever um19:20and i also want you to think of it like this a lot of times you'll start to see these19:26numbers because you've told spirit in some way that you're open so imagine this imagine our angel teams19:34kind of just this energetic space right they're flying around us they're walking amongst amongst us they are our19:40frequency they are energy energy can never die our souls can never die they19:46are amongst us and all of a sudden you turn on your light switch and then go oh19:53there's one she wants a message she wants to work with us we're going to19:58give it to her we're going to give it to him we're going to give it to them because you are open and you're telling20:05your angels i am ready to receive why are you getting these signs and symbols20:12and your best friend is it because your light switch has been turned on20:17free will they cannot give you advice support and all of this stuff until you20:23ask for it so keep that in mind whenever you're struggling whenever you're having you20:30know a thought that just needs extra support turn to your angels and ask for20:35guidance you could even do a designated sign um would you like me to give you an20:40example of that oh yes yes i think i was talking about this the other day in my story but yes20:46please so angels will speak to you in things that20:52are familiar to you so for example if i'm doing a reading with a client or i'm in a session and i hear the name um21:00i'm sorry anita can you hear me yep i can hear you and i hear the name um james or i hear21:08richard i know immediately that it's a father figure okay21:13so it doesn't mean that your father is james or richard it's telling me this person21:21their father figure is connected because that's my father so your angels speak to you through what21:27you recognize through what you connect with okay does that make sense21:35yes so good i was saying richard is my grandpa's name and he just passed this couple a couple weeks ago21:41are you okay so okay wow okay so the reason why first of all i have no notes21:48um if anita knows me by now i'm very just intuitively led and21:53right now i've never really told that story ever and on your podcast i'm i'm21:59saying um that i have to be to share this like i'm hearing james richard and they're saying22:07tell her the story about james richard so i didn't know that i didn't know that22:12was your grandfather but my guides are even using it right now to give you a message do you understand that22:19oh full body chills love it love it love it i've never actually shared that i've never shared that publicly like that's22:26my guide right so they're like tell her about me so that is confirmation that your22:32grandfather is with you that he hasn't left you that he sees you and that he's with you right now because i heard it so22:40i heard that and i received it and i shared it knowing that someone needed this story22:46i had no idea that that story who needed it was you do you understand22:52yes oh i love this chills everybody's in the comments too too so good22:58so what is so interesting about a designated um symbol okay so for example23:05um did your grandfather let's just say um did he favor cigars23:12um he smoked a lot he smoked a lot because i'm seeing smoking right like so i want you to23:18envision the pack of what he smoked and i want you to23:24take that as a sign that that's him you can say every time i see this or smell23:30smoke or see a cigarette that you know it's him and you'll start to see it in the most23:35random places so for example my father was a marine and he always said the23:40greatest the the two things that he was proud of most was that his daughters and23:46being a marine okay so he he would say once a marine always marine that was23:52something he was proud of um after he died at his funeral when i was leaving the church and i was23:59in the limo and we're going i saw this car next to us i'm crying obviously i'm very upset24:05and i see this car and i see this huge semper fi24:10sticker symbol and i just knew it was my father saying i am with you i'm always24:15with you i'm never leaving you and i have seen that symbol every single day24:22since he's passed it gets to the point where my children will say hi poppy as we're driving down the highway 70 miles24:28an hour or 65 or whatever it is and it's become like this thing i was in aruba and i24:34went to go rent beach chairs and i go to the hut and i look inside the hut and24:39there's a giant marine sticker and i'm in aruba like thank you dad you're with me24:46so we can designate a sign in a symbol and then you have to have faith and24:51trust that when you see it is from your departed loved one if you said every time i see a purple turtle it's my you24:58know best friend that passed then that's that's the symbol okay so25:04does that feel good yes i love that25:10so what angel numbers would you like to know more about or did i answer all your25:16questions so all my questions are asked but i really want to uh open it up to the rest25:21of the group so whoever wants to go first just go ahead and unmute yourself and ask your question25:33okay i'll go first if that's okay um so i suppose i'd love to ask because i25:38keep so you know 11 11 is one that everyone seems to see all the time25:45i will see everything to do like on the clock it will be 11 past anything else but 11 11 so it'll always be like um25:52like if it's 5 pm here it will be like one seven one one or if it's seven25:58i'll say one nine one one it's always like one a number and then one one but i've never seen26:04eleven eleven on purpose okay guys here i'm gonna do a little26:10video if that's okay hi i hope i don't look like a train wreck i apologize26:15so okay so what you're asking me if i heard you correctly is26:21you're always seeing a number book ends by a one and eleven correct26:27yes yes okay so technically it's still 111 because even26:32though there's a number in the middle you're still noticing the triple ones and it's kind of crazy that you're26:38asking and that we're on this right now because the 11 is actually represented by november26:44and it is the master number of intuition and inspirational teachers of the world26:50so whenever we see the ones and the elevens it's asking you to become the master of your own26:57like path the master of your craft that there's a skill set that you need to start to27:03share and become the teacher of the one is all about the self but the 11 is27:09showing you that you are partnered with spirit that the one needs nobody else and they27:15can stand alone but they're not they have spirit besides them27:22i'm also getting a sense of and if i'm wrong or if i'm overstepping my boundaries please say so27:28but there's this energy that around you like you're just27:33i just need to do more i need to study more i need to read more like that they want you to know that you're good enough27:38and you're worthy enough as you are right now okay and this self-criticism this self27:45um you know imposter syndrome mentality is really it's you see the one over here27:52and the 11 over here and i have goosebumps going up and down my body that this is 100 for you27:58is keeping you separate the number in the middle is keeping you separate does that make sense28:05yeah so much sense so much sense because right now i've been28:11um i suppose getting ready to i've just started i suppose doing empowerment calls with people28:18and i always feel like i just need to watch this youtube video or i just need to you know read this book again or i28:24need to make notes or you know just to get the wording right and everything so i suppose i doubt myself a little bit a28:30lot of the time so yeah at the moment i'm just stepping into becoming like the master of a certain area that i'm trying28:36to help people with so yeah for sure and i see some of the comments you're not the only one struggling with this so28:43i want to say something for everybody that's here i love that you have all invested in yourselves28:50that you found a coach that is really bringing out the best of you but i need you all to know that the28:56reason why you're here is because you're at a place where you want this to come out29:02the best of you needs to come out but it needs to be given and it needs to be shared with others29:10you know when you were born um you were born with a unique code29:16and your numerology is based upon your birth date when your29:21soul decided to show up and your name has a certain energy and29:26this tells us what our destiny is what our purpose is what our mission is what our weaknesses29:32but it also tells us what our life lessons are and what our gifts are29:38uniquely given to you and i and i i i really want to say this29:44to all of you if you do not share this you are denying god29:52your gift to the world that he placed that source placed within you30:01you have no idea how much this resonates just sorry not to cut across you or anything but and anita i hope it's okay30:07for me to share again but last week i was just telling um anita and perla that30:13when i was born a family friend who um is very connected to spirit and things like that uh30:20advised my parents to call me laura and los angeles to chris me laura and los angeles and it's just been like a30:26running joke in my family that i have this like big bizarre name when i was chris not that i you know write it down30:31or anything but it actually means laura ann of the angels um30:36so yeah i just thought i always wondered like why was i given this name like why me i don't understand it but wow30:44gosh you know i um i love that story because your birth30:50name it's your contract with god you know i can say you know if you think30:57about astrology right urinaries i'm in aries we have similarities31:02same thing with numerology if you were born on this stage we had the same numbers kind of we all kind of31:09generically fit here but your name is the one thing that makes you uniquely31:15you there is no other person no other soul in this world that carries that31:22name and when we understand our numeric profile31:27it's like and anita i have not forgotten you my love i am i will have your chart for you i promise um it's like when we31:34understand this profile it's like this window just open up31:40and all of a sudden you see wow this is not just who i thought i was31:47this is who i was freaking born to be and it changes things it changes things31:53you know my aunt was a professional numerologist she was a master numerologist and she was a perfect like31:59a teacher of it she's 93. she was doing this 50 years ago she's a trendsetter32:05she she paid the path for all of us right imagine that32:11there were people in her world in the professional world in the business world and upper manhattan32:17new york that would not make a business decision without speaking to my aunt rita and i got to grow up32:24hearing this i got to i was an italian catholic family every sunday we went for32:29dinner together but i got to hear conversations of spirituality and i was fascinated by it and then when i was 1632:37she started doing my charts and it was fun i would bring my friends there and like you know she always said i was32:42different she always knew i had the gift because she did my numbers right and when i started to become an adult i32:50started to see the power of how this supported people helped people get32:56through death divorce devastation loss of jobs loss of life33:02i saw it as a tool and then um i would say about33:07six or so years ago i lose track of time i really started to study it with her33:13and i still didn't want to share it with the world i was scared i was so scared but i loved it right33:21like i could talk about it to you guys i could talk about it to anybody because i loved it and i believed in it33:27but i was so scared of judgment what will the moms on the corner say33:32what do you mean you talk to angels in spirit what if people don't invite my son out for a playdate right or33:38something like that and then i realize if i stay small33:45for the fear and judgment of others i will never know how great i could have been33:51i will never know who i could help and if i could help one person33:57is it worth it and the answer was yes and i've helped thousands of34:04people but i still think of helping one person i wake up every day and i think34:11how can i be of service how can i help one person what blessing34:17can i give to the world today and who cares if my laundry's a mess or34:22my dishes aren't unclean or i'm still wearing a t-shirt and and i'm like i i34:28don't have matching shoes and who cares did i help someone and if you can34:35implement this in your life you not only will be living in spiritual34:41alignment you will be living in the same frequency as your angel team34:50so good i cannot wait to share this on a large scale and i'm in my car guys i swear to god34:57anita i'm so sorry i really i'm just so i wish that i was more organized35:04please forgive me isn't this so funny though because i just this is literally the this is like how close people almost35:11missed messages like this you know what i mean like i call i call just so you guys know i called her and i was like35:16hey girl we're on the phone and it's like there's like little things that happen like this you don't know all the things35:22that had to happen in the background in order for this moment to happen and so it's just like true example of35:28manifestation and like i'm telling you girl i'm like finding back all the tears after this uh but i know perla35:35had a question too you want to i'll put pearl on and then rosie um35:41yeah i'm here hi um35:47so uh my question was um uh first of all this is35:53so awesome that you do charts because i have been35:59you know loki manifesting somebody who can do my chart i just told i send it36:04out to you in the universe and i said i'm gonna find you know um someone who's aligned36:10um with you know my energy to do this so oh i'm so excited um but uh so this36:17morning i saw eight eight four times um and i was36:22wanting to see uh what it what your perspective was on that36:28okay so that's that's first of all that's a lovely color on you um second36:34of all um i look at it like this um if if i always look at when i do36:39someone's chart as an absolute honor because i feel like it's a window into your soul36:45um and i feel like i'm doing god's work by aligning you to your purpose so i'm very36:51honored by it um and i'm very humbled by it so if that feels right to you girl i36:57got you um so eight eight eight eight eight first of all when i think of37:02anita i think of the eights because and she should probably get that tattooed on her somewhere if she ever wants a tattoo37:08um eight is the number of eternal wealth prosperity and power it is the energy of37:15this life force like infinity symbol right it never ends so it's actually i'm37:23telling i'm hearing that you have been trapped in this money story this story of you know37:30caught an effect where your your worth is attached to this37:35money and they want you to know that you're worthy of abundance as you are in the present37:42and that you need to create a new money story one with limitless potential the37:48eight is the ceo it's the boss it's the business minded37:53leader it is the one who takes charge and does not take no for an answer it's37:59the one who's driving the maserati okay it's not the one taking the bus he or he is power it's eternal power38:09it's limitless power which means the power does not come from you38:15you see how many of you are running on like fumes like you're trying to build38:20your dreams on spare change like you're just running out of gas you are like that porsche that gorgeous38:28porsche white tan leather oh like it is popping and it's got no gas it can't go nowhere38:35it can't go nowhere because you're running on your physical energy your physical source38:43and the eight oh the eight the eight is telling you tap into the infinite source38:50the source that worlds are created from okay it's limitless38:57you're playing small and the aid is a reminder that you could have be or do anything did i answer your question39:04yes and um this is really um amazing because um39:10in my signature when i first started to like create like my signature i always do39:17here i'll show you are you serious i'll do an infinity sign like i don't39:24know if you guys can see that but39:32so here so it's pretty interesting again when i call myself an intuitive i hear things and i say it so my gift i don't39:38know if you guys have heard of the claires like claire convinces clairaudience okay so39:43my true intuitive gifts are a combination you know but it's clear39:48audience and claire cognizant i will just hear and sense those are my two strongest so i could write pages on what39:56the eight means but as i was speaking i'm hearing infinity40:01infinity because that's for you okay so i might have a conversation with somebody about the eights40:08and talk about money lack or talk about something different so40:14that was 100 for you and you need to claim your power back the other thing i40:19want to say to everybody here that i feel is really important and i i don't even know how long we have an anita if i40:25need to stop talking please just tell me to stop talking but40:30there's this message that has to come out right now for everybody every time40:37you worry about someone else's opinion someone else's judgment40:42and you live in fear you are literally giving your power away40:49and this is about taking it back this is about understanding that40:55when it's a spiritually aligned lead life it needs no validation41:00because when it's led by spirit everything about it is hell yes41:08and we need to leave lead with love okay so whatever fears you have41:14every time you live in fear you are giving power to that other person41:19that other teacher that other creator because you're saying i think you're better41:26i think you're worthier i think you're smarter i think you're prettier i think you're richer i think41:32you're this and it's honestly about taking it back i am enough in this physical body41:40as i currently am i deserve all the love all the abundance and all the success41:47and every single person on the other side and i really reference our team of41:52light because when i tell you you are surrounded by hundreds of angels i swear41:57you are it doesn't matter what their names are it doesn't matter if it's a departed loved one you have a spiritual squad you42:05have a spiritual pasty okay you got a spiritual team and the only thing they want for you42:12is to be happy to have joy and have abundance and42:17prosperity on all levels right now42:23so if you're really stuck i want you to just repeat after me and say i am worthy42:28of all that i desire everything i desire is within my reach42:34and everything is always working out for me in divine timing42:43so good oh my gosh i cannot wait to share this on the large scale this is so beautiful42:51rosie we still have about um i usually go about an hour42:57um a little bit over an hour so that way we can just freak out but rosie i wanted to43:02see if you have any specific questions hi so my43:08i always tend to see like four four and seven seven seven and i43:15know now that my lifeline is four yeah so i've been seeing that more often43:22so sometimes like when like i'm waiting for the train or something and it's like i want to see a43:28number and i'm like no when the time is right and when the angels want to show me a sign they're43:35going to show me a sign and then when i'm not like paying attention i see like seven seven seven43:42five five five so i i love that because it's like i don't wanna force43:48you know the messages to come through i just love when they just like just come in yeah so that's how43:54mine's like doing it so so i get a sense there's a party who says okay i welcome it i see it but now44:01what yeah yeah very interesting is now remember44:09numerically as a numerologist we have multiple numbers okay so it's really44:14important that if it's not by me it's by somebody else you get a full chart because you could44:20have mastery numbers you could have other numbers that relate more or hold more weight44:25but what you're speaking about is your life path your life path is the44:31like one of the top five profile numbers that i speak about it would be like saying i'm an aries you're a pisces44:38you're a leo okay so that's how it's related i'm relating it to people who don't know the life path of before44:44is the um dedicated worker they came here to build something for44:51others okay they are stable they are grounded they are loyal they are dependable like you44:58and i need to be friends because i'm crazy i'm all over the place i have adhd and i would love to have a best friend45:04like you because you would keep me in line you would be like larissa you have an appointment you do this like you me i45:11need you in my life like you're hired you want to be my assistant like let's go because45:17i rely on you you manage life i do life you manage it yes45:24yeah i do well i feel like however45:30however to the seven right so there's a part of you that is such a45:35good worker you're so all about the details you're so structured45:41that we struggle with a little bit of control and we struggle giving up that control45:47and we struggle with um you know the bigger picture so the seven is asking45:53you to go within for the answers and create this relationship with spirit45:59seven is one of the most intuitive spiritual numbers and it's asking you to46:04really dive into this the truth like you know the black the white it's about46:11the gray what can't be seen what doesn't have a place and it's asking you to tap into that46:18spiritual side how's that feel it was very it's very true46:24and if you ever want to be a personal assistant i'll hire you46:30because i need desperately i really do um you know it's funny my children like i'm a very open mother i have three46:37children 17 14 and 11. and people are like do you really do this like my son46:43was in the car five minutes ago like this is my life um my son will be like46:49mommy what is this number like it's normal in my house you know spirituality and angels and oracle readings they just46:56it's just a part of us so i always tease i said before you marry somebody they i got to do their47:02numbers like that's the joke in the house like if i don't like your numbers i don't care what you are what you do47:08where you live but you better have good numbers you know like it's the joke so um47:14it's interesting because i would love to use anita as an example and47:20where how the power of numerology really can help you streamline like47:25what you should do in november anita can i use it as an example use me yes love it47:32okay so anita give me your birth month on your birthday my birth month is september and my47:38birthday is the fifth47:44okay so you know anita um everything that's happening for you this particular47:50month is all about fun social47:55like this is the month where i'm not telling you not to work okay48:00but we need to get back to the creative abilities of anita sometimes we're so48:06busy helping other people we forget to take care of our own joy so this is48:12really a month that i kind of want you because i'm also looking at the universal energy i want you to spend the48:18next 30 days creating writing journaling i don't know maybe you want48:25to create a coloring book i don't know but there's got to be something that is created this month48:32that allows you to express who you are i don't want you this month48:37to be the teacher i i do i don't give up your what you're doing but what i'm saying is48:42you need to make you the priority the date night then having your friends over48:47for like maybe a wine and cheese night you've got to make time for it otherwise48:53you will work over and work more than you're supposed to now you say okay that's true for48:58everybody true but this month this is your energy so if49:04you know this i want you to not work on fridays or saturdays49:10i want you to make a spa day i want you to go to a concert49:16whatever it is you have to find your joy again but the other thing too is anita for you49:22the remainder of 2021 is all about you49:28stepping forward really kind of stepping out of your comfort zone as a as a whole you've kind of broken49:35away from certain people or certain friends and you're like nope this is who i am like standing strong in your49:42identity because next year there's going to be more partnerships and more49:48collaborations happening for you so it was really important this year that you49:53stand in who anita is and get really firm on her vision her vision49:59because you want to make sure that the next nine years anything you do this50:04year has longevity for nine well50:10oh this is so good and i i haven't known you that long right but i do know that this is from50:18what i can see was the year that you really stood out i am anita50:24the money mindset coach and i think it's taken you up until this year to really discover that50:31[Music] and now you need to be that person be the expert but i also50:37need you to cast a vision of what this money mindset coach is going to do for the world50:46because there's a there's a book in you but that's not that's not going to happen until 202350:53okay that makes a lot of sense because i have been creating a lot too but i'm like yeah it just doesn't feel good for the book right now but i do know every51:00single thing that's happening right now and just like i fill you guys in like everything that she just said so true i51:07think you're right about um one of the things that my family has been going through we we're planning51:13this big trip right and last minute everybody slowly51:19starts to when it's not a big deal if it doesn't happen and now we're back in that51:25momentum of like okay it may be last minute but we are going to get everybody here for thanksgiving and i like how you51:31you pointed that out with that kind of historian um and also being grounded and being51:36creative that was another thing i've been telling mary on the rest of my team too i was like guys i have to put my head down and i just need to like create51:42like crazy right now it's giving me so much peace and also just being alone too and one of the things that's been coming51:49to the surface for me and that i've been sharing with everybody is now as a time to create and focus51:54um and just kind of tune everything out and that's what i've been doing lately and it's just been like firing me up like crazy and52:02yeah when it comes to creating i definitely feel a huge sense of52:07making some big shifts yeah i'm happy i'm happy you're doing it52:14what you're supposed to want a question i can't see who's on here or how many52:20people are on hey anita can i ask you yeah of course so hi larissa my name's marielle even52:27though my name says anita cause i'm co-hosting with her um and i wanted to know i'm a very52:34highly empathic person that has grown up a lot of very strong personalities and i really had to like52:41fight a lot in my life and i'm sure many of us here are very empathic too because52:46we're on this path so i was wondering how could i use angel numbers to52:53i don't know as the form of invoking a protection just because i know when i see the52:58numbers and they manifest there's a message coming through but is there a way where we can like reverse this53:05when you say reverse it you mean explaining that for a second53:11like invoking a certain angel using the numbers like for our53:16advantage or for our protection um so something like that anytime it's coming in it's always going53:23to be giving you guidance and protection okay yeah it's never like it's never so53:28for example i was having a business decision that i needed to make53:33and i kept seeing uh three three three five five five three three three five five five53:40and to me three is like something is being like a truth needs to be spoken okay53:47so i i had to like really think am i am i being honest with what i want in this business decision is this person being53:53honest with me and five by five is change now you could say well larissa do you go53:59for the business decision and say yes and you say no but everything inside of me54:05felt off and i knew that that message was a54:11protection message that's saying this was not right for you because it didn't feel good would you54:16guys like me to teach you um a body way to know if it's a yes or no so that54:23when you see the numbers you can ask okay so your is your greatest pendulum54:29your body is your greatest tool because your soul lives inside of it54:34so the way we muscle test our body the way we feel it actually is a can answer yes54:42or no should i should i not so there's a couple things you can do and one of them54:47is the easiest one i'm going to give you the easiest one because it's so quick so i want you to take your hands54:53and i want you to kind of like put your pointer to your thumb like the okay symbol right and then what you're going54:59to do is you're going to just kind of ask yourself a series of questions or excuse me you're going to make55:06statements that are true now if something is true and it's correct it's solid55:12and it holds firm right because it's a truth and it can't be broken so you're going to take your other55:18finger and try to break break it apart okay if it's a true statement it won't break55:26if it's a negative statement it will open your body will respond it's a muscle55:31test so i i can do it as an example but then maybe what you can do is on your own i55:37want you to do like five six ten truth statements my name is larissa i have55:43brown hair i have blue eyes i have three boys i don't have three boys55:51so you're going to do this until you can feel the difference between your yes pull and your no pull55:58okay so when you see that angel number and you say okay well what does this56:03mean so i kept seeing three three three five five five three three three five five five56:09is this business decision um should i say i don't want to say it out loud should i go forward and hire blank as my56:16business partner okay so does that help you56:23can you use the angel numbers and this to get whether it's going to be a yes or a no56:30if it's a go forward if if it's protection can you see how doing this with your body can help you56:36that's awesome yeah just like invoking a confirmation right that's awesome56:43i also want you to know that knowing that our body is a pendulum56:48okay let me ask you guys a question when you found anita and you followed her56:55did you ponder were you like i don't know is she a good person i don't i don't know or did you just go boop i57:02love her boop yup yeah because your body is a signal it's an antenna57:11and if it's a hell yes it's spiritually led and you will know under 30 seconds57:17if it's true for you if you have to analyze it if you have to overthink it if you have to ask lisa57:24kate jenny bob joe the guy on the corner you have to ask the guy in the belly57:29what do you think it's a hell no because your body is giving you these red flags57:35you know when you signed up for her course she could have told you it was twenty dollars she could have told you it was57:41two thousand dollars it doesn't matter you said yes because you knew that this community57:47this program that you needed this and everything in your body was like i'm here57:54so if you get a sign or a symbol and you're saying you know what i think58:01i need to start looking for another job and then all of a sudden you're seeing the synchronicities58:07it's confirmation it's a yes that you should be58:13wow that's awesome that's so funny that's how we i think that's kind of how anita hired me we both manifested each58:20other that's so funny what do you do so i help anina with pretty much58:25everything here we just started recently i'm her project manager and i've been hanging out with these58:31meetings chatting with these girls so yeah and it was so amazing wow yeah i was searching for like a job58:38after quitting another job with covid and and i was like does this job even exist where i'm gonna have fun i58:45can we can manifest something that has to do with everything i do with executive assisting i do58:51makeup as a hobby and it's just it was just like lightning and nothing has happened that fast for me in the last58:58five six years59:04you know send me an email maybe we can work something out that's great you know here's what's interesting59:11yeah the fact that you're all here searching for your soul's purpose is pretty much59:16what you're doing i want to say this to you because i know we're like anita with time and i want to make sure you get59:22this you do not need to search for your soul's purpose59:28your purpose will find you when you're living in your truth and59:33you're living spiritually aligned your soul's purpose has always been with59:39you it was given to you before you entered this body and when59:45you entered it's been here and you're not trying to find your soul's purpose59:51you're trying to unlock the path to live it59:57wow1:00:04i need someone to help me put this out on paper because it just comes1:00:10see that's what literally what marielle does for me like she helps me so much i had her like look at this audio and take all these notes and i'm like girl if i1:00:17would have spent 20 minutes doing that exact same thing i would have never done it as good as you did1:00:22and it's just so good so um larissa i just want to thank you so much1:00:27for sharing all of this amazing information with us like so this is so just so you guys know this is going on1:00:32the podcast and this is also going on youtube and i'm just so happy and grateful that people can actually see1:00:38this so i think it's a lot different when people can actually see the the things that we're talking about especially with the exercise was so good1:00:44i love i love all these little tips and tricks okay so this is like my message from the divine to you larissa to make1:00:51this a course please make this the course because i'm just the connector i'm the creator i'm the one that's like hey okay this person has an amazing gift1:00:57and i just want to share it to all my people so um yeah i'm just super excited and i'd love1:01:03to and we have all your links so we're gonna be linking your tick tock and everything and i'm located in new york1:01:10so i am a queen's girl born and raised queens new york you know i say coffee and water and talk1:01:16which guys i was afraid to go live i never wanted to do a video because i say1:01:22dog and i say you know i have a horrible accent and i said i'm going to sound foolish and no one's going to take me1:01:28seriously and i was so afraid six years ago to go live on facebook and look at1:01:33me now so get out of your head just people do not care if you're leading1:01:39with love and you're leading with value and you're showing up to serve the world will embrace you1:01:44um you can find me and my name on all my socials is god is giving i don't go by1:01:49larissa because it was just i felt it was more memorable than larissa martinsec right so um i i can't thank1:01:57you enough anita for opening up your home to me i'm honored i was happy to have this time with you guys if you ever1:02:03need me to come in and chat i'm here i love it yay can i just tell her i'm in long island1:02:10and i'm so close to queens so where are you1:02:16well i'm in medford but i my parents live in brooklyn so i'm always queens1:02:21and brooklyn so yeah i'm actually doing some live events this year out in long island so you'll1:02:27we'll have to get connected um believe it or not i've been afraid to do live events is that weird like in person1:02:34i don't know why but i'm getting out of my comfort zone i'm pushing myself and i encourage you guys to do the same1:02:41oh my gosh yeah i was gonna say i think we have one more question for pearl if we have just a couple1:02:46minutes yeah i was gonna laura was on the live with me earlier on tick tock and everybody was like come nick come to1:02:53new york come here come to houston all the stuff and i was like am i going on tour what's going on1:02:59let's do it together we'll do them oh my we'll do the money and spiritual money1:03:06and angel vibration frequency you guys are hearing this now first so1:03:11if you use this confirmation send us email tag us on instagram right now1:03:16um and in perrla i'm gonna leave it back to you um so sorry one more question um1:03:25what if you dream like certain numbers um i i kind of take that like as a1:03:33message um but it was so weird because i i didn't want to tell anita this is so weird but1:03:40i had a dream that i went to visit you in san diego1:03:46and um for some reason the number 1536 came up and that was the total that1:03:52i paid for my hotel um when i went to visit anita1:03:58um so is that kind of like a sign of some sort1:04:04so if you have vivid dreams and you first of all if you're having a dream it is like okay i like to think of it like1:04:10this when we pray we're speaking we're we're praying to god we're you know1:04:15let's just take not even religion but let's say when you're praying you're speaking to divine source god your1:04:21higher power when you receive a sign or a message that is your higher power speaking to1:04:27you whether it's in a dream or not or whether you're awake whether you're meditating1:04:33that sign or symbol or message is your higher power speaking to you1:04:38they hear your prayers and they're answering it so this is what i'm gonna say about dreams1:04:44when we wake up around three o'clock or four o'clock i call it the spiritual witching hour1:04:49or right before you go to sleep or right when you wake up these are intuitive1:04:54openings intuitive gateways and when you're dreaming you're open to receiving1:05:00these messages so if you are a vivid dreamer or you're getting signs or symbols whether you're1:05:06dreaming or not actually i consider everyone to have a sign or synchronicity1:05:11book or journal and to really start writing down what they dreamt about and then in that1:05:19moment ask questions to your spiritual team can you explain further what is what am1:05:26i supposed to learn from this what message do you have for me does this number hold value1:05:33is this number a sign and let's say you're asking these questions and then throughout the day you see it three more1:05:39times then you know okay this is this has got some meaning here1:05:46any time you want more meaning from a sign a symbol or a message1:05:51all you have to do is create a sacred space and ask1:05:59i love that thank you so much you're welcome and anita i think we're gonna have to1:06:05have many more conversations because i've got all these tingles going on ideas going on1:06:11right don't you just feel so much in flow when you like have everything together like this is huge1:06:17it's it's funny because like i said out of a billion users tick tock1:06:24connected us and i the minute i saw you i was like i'm here1:06:29for it and i knew that you were a part of my path and i knew that we would connect1:06:34because you're so real you're so authentic that you know what's amazing when people sit there and they say i1:06:40don't believe in this i don't believe in energy and vibration i and i'm like i call bs1:06:46how can i feel your energy all the way in new york if it wasn't1:06:52real how can i feel your heart your your love that you put i can see it i can feel it1:06:59it's authentic and so can everyone here energy is the first language vibration is the1:07:06first language that we encounter how many times have you gone into a party or space and you're like get me out of here1:07:12it doesn't feel good no one even has to speak because you felt it you sensed it1:07:18but our human side we overthink things and i am strongly encouraging all to tap1:07:24back into your frequency your energy and allow yourself1:07:30to really feel things first because it is it speaks volumes1:07:35it's the greatest language oh it's so good1:07:42yeah please go get coffee together just put them in the comments if you guys want to see me on coffee because i don't1:07:48know this is me without coffee okay that was literally eloa1:07:57all right guys i'm cutting us off here um again this is going to be on the podcast and also on our youtube1:08:05and i'm just so happy and grateful so larissa um if you girls if you1:08:12uh all the other girls you want to stay on just for a minute just so i can go over some things and larissa i'll let1:08:17you go and again i just want to thank you so much for sharing your energy with us today1:08:22love you guys sending you love all the way from new york and let remember you guys can be do or have anything i1:08:28promise you it is real go be fabulous thank you guys again for tuning in today's episode again if you resonated1:08:34with this episode please please please tag larissa find her on tick tock we have all of her um information down1:08:41below in the show notes for you guys but what really really helps us is that when you guys screenshot and you tag us on1:08:47instagram make sure that you are tagging both larissa and i so again super super1:08:52happy and grateful that you guys tuned into the podcast episode if you are ever wanting to be in this energy and you1:08:58want to be in this group and you really want to operate at this highest frequency please reach out to me directly via instagram or facebook and1:09:05we will see which program is in alignment for you alright guys have a blessed dayEnglish (auto-generated)
I’ve been listening to this podcast almost all day everyday this week (just found it) and i’m already seeing such a huge change in my life! I’ve been making more money, and i even feel so much better physically and mentally. I have so much energy and motivation for myself and my OWN life! Thank you thank you thank you!
I am not even sure how I came upon this podcast but I’ve been listening for the last year and it’s helped me with so many shifts! I have manifested connections, money and even a big move that I am about to make,l. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and I can’t wait to hear more!
This episode resonated most, especially the part about family not really supporting your perspective/way of being. Your content has enlightened and expanded me in more ways than one. Sending you my highest intentions 💫
This episode was amazing so raw & real. The energy was on fire!
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